I got rejected…AGAIN!

We regret to inform you…

When an email or a letter starts like that, there’s usually not much more to expect from it. Whether it’s from a Uni or a dream job, or even from a friend or a person that you like, we’ve been there, and we all know the gut-wrenching feeling of rejection.

Why is it such a big thing though? Often, we unknowingly attach our meaning to things and achievements. When we do not attain them, it is almost as if we’re being told we’re not worthy to be the ideal person that we created for ourselves. The more one gets rejected, the more it injured one’s self perception is. You may even begin to doubt your talents and abilities because of this.

Matthew 13 vs 57-58: And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household. “And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.

Looking at the life of Jesus Christ, He too was rejected, even by the people from His hometown. Imagine what that would have felt like! However, this did not affect Jesus’ ministry or the way He did things. He knew He was the Son of God and God Himself! The fact that some people did not recognize Him to be such did not deter Him from His purpose. Likewise, the only way we can combat rejection is affirming who we are in Christ. Our God given identity will never change. Our social status may change, our friends may change, our employment status may change but our identity in Jesus Christ will never change. Consequently, our value will never change, even in the face of adversity.

I compiled a couple of verses and affirmations that go with them into a pdf that you can print and stick up somewhere you see often just as a reminder of your true identity. Here is the link for it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ykswkpg8z7JcE5_0X0Z8RoPOMoRCU2PB/view?usp=sharing

Stay blessed!

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