Where purpose is not know, abuse is inevitable.

“An early Renaissance masterpiece by the Florentine painter Cimabue has been discovered in a kitchen on the outskirts of a town north of Paris, where it might have been binned during a house clearance if an auctioneer had not spotted it.” https://gu.com/p/cdv9j/sbl

This painting was then auctioned a few months later for €24m: the highest price ever paid for a medieval painting. Before this painting was discovered, it was in a kitchen, above a hotplate, where oil, steam and other things were abusing this painting daily! It was only when they realized the value of this painting that they were truly able to fully benefit from this painting.

Psalms 139 vs. 17: How precious are your thoughts about me, [b] O God. They cannot be numbered!

When God created/formed/designed and fashioned us, he had something in mind: a purpose, a plan and a destiny for us to live out and fulfill. I am convinced that there is no greater joy, no greater peace, no greater satisfaction to be experienced on this earth than that which God provides for us. God knows us better than we know ourselves such that He is able to lead us and guide us and put us in places and positions where we can flourish like the way he purposed us to do when He created us. After all, God did create us to be fruitful on this earth and to bring Him glory whilst we’re at it.

So, what does this mean for me? There’s a purpose to be fulfilled by me in the very place and space that I occupy that will bring God glory. Contrary to popular belief, God does not only call people to preach on pulpits and pray at crusades, but God also calls people to business, to government, to leadership, to teaching, to music and so many other things. Why? Because God has an agenda that needs to be fulfilled in those different areas. So, what is your gift? How can you use it to glorify God?

1 Cor. 13 vs. 9: For we know in part and we prophesy in part,

P.S. knowing your purpose is easier said than done. Remember that knowing comes in part so whatever word that God has spoken over your life is not all that there is to the story, but it is enough to get you through your current season. Always desire to know more and understand yourself better.

1 John 4 vs. 4: 4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

If Christ and the spirit of God dwells in us and it is the power at work in us that means if we want to know more of what we can do, we must know and understand that which is on the inside better. That means, we must desire to know God more and more if we truly want to know what it is that God has for us and what it is that we are truly capable of! Therefore, the word of God is like a mirror unto us, when we read it, it reads us, and it shows us where we are and where we ought to be and the Holy Spirit empowers us to move towards the goal.

I hope this helps and blesses someone!

Stay blessed!

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